Earth Day: Write in the Hights 4/22/23

As part of Oakland's citywide day of service, the Berkeley Branch of the California Writers Club is again hosting an Earth-day writing event at Joaquin Miller Park.

Join the "Wolf Pack" writers of the California Writers Club in putting pen to paper and "Howling at the Moonshot." As the weather takes its revenge, we need to continue to inspire and guide others in new ways to forge a new relationship to nature—which always wins. 

If you are working on an earth, nature, or climate-related project, please join us at the Ranger Station in Joaquin Miller Park for a few hours of hard work. We'll have lots of prompts and ideas available, too. Write your letters, articles, op-eds, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, drama, science fiction or cli-fi. Come any time during this 3-hour focused writing window. Write indoors or find a spot outside to focus on your words. When we're ready to put our pens down we'll go outside to share our works, for our second annual "A Breath of Fresh Air" open mic.

Here's a map to the Ranger Station

There is no wi-fi at the park—it's a true retreat—but phone hotspots may work. Bring a beverage & snacks, a water bottle, and walking shoes if you want to get some exercise.

Say you're coming on Facebook!

Other events at the Park include:
9-12 am Work Day at the Cascade — gardening, cleaning up, etc.
9-12 am and at the Friends of Sausal Creek nursery. 
Other events at the CWC include:
10-12 am a Zoom workshop on doing research with Amy Shea,
2-5pm -  a reading at the Hayward Lit Hop.

Previous CWC Earth Day events include:
2022: Sustainable Storytelling + A Breath of Fresh Air

Other events you can do anywhere:
Take the Pause & Park-it Pledge with Idle Free Oakland
Take the Acts of Green pledge... wherever you live!

And don't forget - we do a Write in the Hights monthly on 3rd Wednesdays that are open to the public!


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