
Showing posts from October, 2024

Melrose Library: Reconsidering Joaquin Miller

I'm excited to be speaking at the Oakland Library's Fall Speaker Series about you-know-who! Join me at the Melrose Branch, 4805 Foothill Boulevard, Oakland CA 94601 from 6-7pm. Aftergrub and selected readings & chat at Taqueria El Paisa, 4610 International Blvd, Oakland, CA 94601 (a 6 minute walk). Bring your questions and a friend and be ready to sing! Although he is greatly respected in other parts of the world, Oaklanders have mixed feelings about Joaquin Miller, the colorful literary figure whose name is on a park. Is this about Oakland or Miller? Both share a remarkable essence, a complex character—and a cloudy reputation. Kristen Caven, the California Writers Club Writer in Residence at Joaquin Miller Park, shares her insights on Miller and why she thinks we should reconsider the opinions of his detractors. I can't wait to share my latest findings!

Longing (To Be There)

I have been kept from the actual Park too much this year, spending time instead online, elsewhere, doing research on it where there's better bandwidth!  This is a photo from April, our Poets on Earth event. But in planning this year's "Blanket and a Basket of Chow" (I was too busy tearing up Oaktoberfest to even post the event here), I found my sentiments perfectly expressed by the very busy Ina Coolbrith. Imagine her stuck at her day job, setting up our first library, pinching pennies and time to care for her mother and the three girls kids in her charge – not her own. Imagine her looking out the window onto crowded streets, and LONGING.     O aimless fret of household tasks! O chains that bind the hand and mind—     A fuller life my spirit asks! For there the grand hills, summer-crowned,     Slope greenly downward to the seas; One hour of rest upon their breast     Were worth a year of days like these. Their cool, soft green to ease the ...